Tony Abbott’s ‘how to guide’ on modern terrorism

1) A knife. Stainless steel, but plastic will do in a pinch.
2) A flag. Black is scariest. Maybe that New Zealand one.
3) A camera phone. At least 6 pixel sensor resolution – grainy but not too grainy.
4) A victim. NB doesn’t have to be a human, could be something abstract, like freedom or Australian values e.g. mate-ship

See from 2:17


  1. President of the New South Wales Bar Association, Jane Needham SC, said public commentary about the case could have serious consequences for the legal process.

    “What could happen is that the court could find it impossible to have a jury empanelled who was not affected by the comments,” she said.

    “And that could mean that the men could not receive a fair trial, because the jury had already made up their minds, or that their trials might be stayed, and that has happened in the past where comments made in Parliament have been the basis of a stay application later.”

    Ms Needham said police and prosecutors should be allowed to get on with their job.


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